Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam

Framework of measurement instruments
Data collection B (1992-1993); as reported in Deeg, Knipscheer & Van Tilburg (1993), Chapter 11

Dependent variables

Physical functioning
Performance tests for the measurement of dexterity, strength and endurance (approximation), using time needed for each of four tests: putting on a jacket, buttoning a button, walking 6 meters (maximal pace, including 180 degrees turn after 3 meters, and counting steps), and five chair stands not using arms. Source: NHANES III (NCHS, 1990), Hip Fracture Recovery Study (Magaziner, 1991)
Habitual level of activity (time and energy expenditure) using a list of the following physical activities: walking, biking, sporting, gardening, light housekeeping and heavy housekeeping work. Source: Caspersen et al. (1991), Voorrips et al. (1991)

Cognitive functioning
Cognitive impairment (MMSE). Source: Folstein, Folstein & McHugh (1975)
Everyday memory (4 items). Source: Wilson et al. (1985), Forbes (1992), LASA (Omitted from wave C and D)
Colored Progressive Matrices (abbreviated by 1/3) for fluid intelligence. Source: Raven (1984)
Coding task (Letter-letter Digit-digit abbreviated) for speed. Source: Rabbitt (1991)
15 word test (abbreviated) for memory and learning ability. Source: Rey (1964), Heslinga et al. (1983)

Emotional functioning
CES-D for depressive symptoms including a positive affect factor (20 items, 4 answering categories). Source: Radloff (1977)
Global well-being (2 items). Source: Statistics Netherlands (1990)
Meta-emotion (evaluating of emotional functioning, 4 items). Source: LASA

Social functioning
Social network characteristics, exchange of support, and confidant. Source: NESTOR-LSN (Van Tilburg, 1995; Van Tilburg et al., 1995)
Loneliness (11 items). Source: De Jong Gierveld & Kamphuis (1985)
Social participation (clubs, organizations, recreation, hobbies, classes) and motivation. Source: LASA

ADL: 2 questions on informal and formal support obtained (self care and instrumental), and a selection of 3 most valid ADL items (walking stairs, cutting toenails, using transportation). Source: LASA, Van Sonsbeek (1988) (Added at wave C and D: 3 other ADL items)
Care need, respondent's estimation of future care use and preferences formal-informal. Source: De Klerk & Huijsman (1992), Ormel et al. (1992)  (Omitted from wave C and D: preferences for assistance and housing)
Knowledge and use of health and social services, including hospital and rehabilitation. Source: Bosma (1988) (Omitted from wave C and D)
Mortality, causes of death. Source: LASA, municipalities, Statistics Netherlands

Intermediary variables
Norms about aging (3 items). Source: LASA
Three most important out of nine aspects of life (income, housing, marriage, religion, time spending, physical and mental health, family, friends). Source: Statistics Netherlands (1990)
Humor as a coping strategy (5 items). Source: Lefcourt & Martin (1986)
Perceived self-efficacy (abbreviated, 12 items). Source: Sherer et al. (1982), Bosscher (1991)
Mastery (= Locus of control, abbreviated to 5 items). Source: Pearlin & Schooler (1978), Ormel et al. (1992)
Physical perceived self-efficacy (10 items). Source: Ryckman et al. (1982), Bosscher (1991)
Metamemory (evaluation of memory), abbreviated: strategy (10 items), anxiety (10 items), locus of control (5 items), achievement (3 items), change (1 item), capacity (1 item). Source: Dixon et al. (1988) (Omitted from wave C and D)
Norms about age limit to social participation (3-6 items). Source: LASA
Standards on relationship affiliation (abbreviated, 6 items). Source: Van Tilburg (1988) (Omitted from wave C and D)
Norms about formal and informal care (10 items). Source: De Klerk & Huijsman (1992), Ormel et al. (1992)

Independent variables
Demography; housing; living arrangements; work; pets; fear of criminality; income; income satisfaction; expected future income. Source: NESTOR-LSN, Arts et al. (1989), Krause (1991), LASA
Present and future health perception (RAND), abbreviated to 8 items. Source: Brook et al. (1979), Anderson et al. (1990)
Chronic conditions (CNLSD, CVD, CVA, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, Incontinence). Source: Statistics Netherlands (1989), Van der Lende et al. (1975), Rose (1962)
Self-perceived health (2 items). Source: Statistics Netherlands (1989)
Pain, abbreviated to 6 items. Source: Hunt et al. (1981)
Menopause (females; 11 items). Source: Oldenhave (1991), LASA
Sleep (4 items). Source: GGD Groningen (1990)
Diet (10 items). Source: LASA
Prescription drug use, calcium, vitamin, iron (6 items). Source: NCHS (1990), LASA
Alcohol and tobacco use (14 items). Source: Statistics Netherlands (1989)
Senses: hearing, vision, speech. Source: Van Sonsbeek (1988)
Contrast sensitivity. Source: Ormel et al. (1992)
Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity. Source: Scialfa et al. (1988)
Spirometry: peak flow. Source: Yale (1988)
Blood pressure and heart rate (3 times). Source: Shigemi et al. (1990).
Weight history (6 items). Source: NCHS (1990)
Anthropometry: height, weight, fat distribution (1/7 bioelectrical impedance). Source: Lohman et al. (1988), NCHS (1990), Witteveen et al. (1990)
Blood parameters (4/5). Source: NCHS (1990)
Challenge from environment (3 items). Source: LASA
Self-esteem (1 item). Source: Tempelman (1987)
Evaluation of sexuality (3 items). Source: LASA
Anxiety (HADS, 7 items). Source: Zigmund & Snaith (1983)
Neuroticism, social inadequacy (DPQ, abbreviated to 23 items). Source: Luteijn et al. (1985)
Values and norms (Family traditionalism, Sex role conception, Religious orthodoxy, Left-right; 11 items). Source: SCP (1990), Middendorp (1978), LASA
Engagement. Source: LASA

Added to data collection C (1995-1996)
Scale for Religion
Life events
Groningen Intelligence Test, subscale vocabulary (GIT, 20 words). Source: Luteijn & van der Ploeg (1983)

Added to data collection D (1998-1999)
Age of parents at death
Cognitive problems of parents
Decisions about end of life
Screening for PTSD
Vignettes (4 vignettes, 5 questions) and scale (16 items) for filial responsibility expectations (Brody, Johnson & Fulcomer, 1984; Hamon & Blieszner, 1990)
Subjective age


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