
with L. Kinski, ‘Transnational Representation – How members of national parliaments in the European Union also speak for other EU nationals, PSA Blog, 13 June 2019.


‘De onzichtbare macht van het Europees Parlement’, Helling (2019) 32(1): 16-21.


with A. Oleart, and P. Overeem, ‘ Three Cautionary Notes on the Identification of Democratic Backsliding (and Democratic Renewal)’, RECONNECT Blog, 2 April 2019.



Making Democracy a Priority in EU Economic Governance: Four theses on the foundations of the T-DEM project (Piketty et al.)’, European Papers (2018) 3(1): 59-65.


Europese variatie, dat klinkt mooi, maar is te vrijblijvend’, De Volkskrant, 12 September 2018.



Brexit dwingt tot herbezinning op de interne markt’. Socialisme en Democratie, 73(5): 33-38.


‘Een stapje terug: Europa, de euro- en de vluchtelingencrisis’. Socialisme en Democratie, 73(1): 5-12.


‘Verwacht niet te veel van het Nederlands EU-voorzitterschap’, in Reformatorisch Dagblad, 8 January 2016, pp. 6-7.



‘Volksvertegenwoordigers uit de cockpit’, Internationale Spectator 69(8).



‘Regionale onafhankelijkheid in Europa’, in Idee, 35(5), 38-41.


Omgaan met een sub-optimale unie. De inzichten en frustraties van Fritz Scharpf’, in Beleid en Maatschappij, 41(3), 247-253.



‘Niet referendum maar verdragswijziging is middel om te beslissen over bevoegdheden Europese Unie’, in Het Financieele Dagblad, 2 October 2013, p. 11.



‘Eerst de crisis bezweren, dan hervormen’, in S&D (2012) 69(11/12): 61-64.


‘Het Democratisch Tekort als Institutionele Uitdaging’, in P. de Jong en S. de Lange (eds) (2012), Europa, Burgerschap en Democratie. Den Haag; Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur.


‘De Democratische Prijs van de Muntunie’, dupliek op Marko Bos en Bart van Riel, in S&D 69(7/8): 92-94.


‘Het Democratisch Dilemma van de Muntunie’, in S&D 69(5): 54-61.


Book Review: Veto Power: Institutional Design in the European Union by Jonathan B. Slapin, West European Politics 35(5): 1204-6 (September 2012).


‘The EU’s new economic governance lacks democratic legitimacy. The rise and fall of the EU Constitutional Treaty can teach policy-makers how to solve this problem’, LSE-EUROPP-Blog (1 May 2012).


‘Learning from the EU Constitutional Treaty’, The EUDO Café, (7 March 2012).



‘Een Sociaal en Democratisch Europa’, Contribution to the PvdA/WBS debate Met het gezicht naar de wereld (1 December 2011).



with Stijn van Kessel, The European Parliament Elections in The Netherlands, 4 June 2009, European Parliament Election (EPERN) Briefing No 28.


‘Een Herwaardering van het Nationale Belang in de Europese Context’, in A. Sabahoğlu(red.), Ons Belang in Europa, Utrecht: Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks: pp. 15-20.


Beloof bij Europese verkiezingen vooraf wie er in de Commissie komt’, de VolkskrantJanuary 15, 2009, FORUM; Blz. 10.


 in Dutch]                   [English Summary]



‘Can a permanent president contribute to the democratic accountability of the European Council ?’, in F. Foret & Y.-S. Rittelmeyer (eds), Les présidences de l’Union européenne en redéfinition: Quelle légitimité ? Quelle efficacité ?, Cahiers du CEVIPOL. 2008/4, Brussels: Université Libre de Bruxelles/CEVIPOL.


Review of A. Niemann, Explaining Decisions in the European Union, Acta Politica 43:1 (April 2008): 128-131.


‘Review of Democracy in Europe. The EU and National Polities - By Vivien A. Schmidt’, European Law Journal 14, 1 (January 2008): 138–140.


Review of Constitutional Politics in the European Union by Dario Castiglione, Justus Schönlau et al., European Law Review 33(5): 761-4.



[with Sebastian Kurpas, Philippe de Schoutheete, Jacques Keller, Franklin Dehousse, Sami Andoura, Antonio Missiroli, Sara Hagemann and Hervé Bribosia], The Treaty of Lisbon: Implementing the Institutional Innovations, Joint study by CEPS, EGMONT and the EPC, Brussels, November 2007.


'The Least Dangerous Chair?', Review of Jonas Tallberg's Leadership and Negotiation in the European Union, in International Studies Review (2007) 9, 134–136.



'Is er nu echt een kentering in de politiek?' [in Dutch], Trouw 30 November 2006, p.V-8.


‘Review of Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (Eds.) (2005), The Member States of the European Union, Common Market Law Review 43: 5 (October 2006): 1472-4.


‘Review of P. Norman (2003), The Accidental Constitution, Acta Politica 41:1 (April 2006): 97-100.




‘Can the EU be democratic? Lessons from the Constitutional Process .... and its failure’, Presentation given at ‘What now? The EU at a crossroads’, ARENA Conference, Oslo, 25 November 2005.


Regeringspartijen maken het verschil [in Dutch], Contribution to, 15 November 2005.


Let the naysayers sort out their positions while ratifications proceed, EPIN Commentary, 2 June 2005.


‘EU Referendum Tests the Dutch Political Establishment’, CEPS Commentary, 10 May 2005.




with S. Kurpas, ‘Counting the Constitutional Blessings’, CEPS Commentary, June 2004.  


‘De Illusies van Europese Partijvorming: van machtsblokken naar netwerken’, in Euforum 2004. Vol.3, No. 2 (May).


with S. Kurpas and M. Incerti, ‘Preview of the 2004 European Parliament Elections. Results of an EPIN Survey of National Experts’, EPIN Working Paper No. 11, May 2004.  


in consultation with E. Davignon, Ph. De Schoutheete and S. Micossi, ‘Three theses for the new Commission President’, CEPS Policy Brief 47, February 2004.  


‘Suspend IGC to consult EU citizens’, in European Voice, Vol. 10, 19-25 February 2004: p. 7.  


Swedish version, ‘Ta paus i regeringsförhandlingarna. Diskutera konstitutionen med medborgarna’, February 2004.  




Momentum Lost: The IGC in Brussels 12-13 December 2003’, CEPS Commentary, December 2003.  


‘IGC needs to tackle the deadlock on EU treaty revision - now!’, CEPS Commentary, November 2003.  


Staging European Union Democracy’, Discussion paper prepared at the request of the ‘Round Table on a Sustainable Project for Europe’ under the chairmanship of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, published as EPIN Working Paper No. 10, Brussels, December 2003.  


‘The European Commission and the IGC – a carefully argued middle-course’, CEPS Commentary, October 2003.


‘Towards a New ‘Constitutional’ Treaty for the European Union: The Convention and the Forthcoming IGC’, CEPS Background Brief, September 2003.  


‘Giscard puts the EU on track’, on, 19 June 2003.  


‘Convention must breathe life into EU's democratic character’, in European Voice, Vol. 9, 17-23 April 2003: p. 8.  


with Wouter Coussens, Reforming the EU Presidency: The key to a new institutional architecture’, in European Voice, Vol. 9, No. 2 (16 January 2003).




‘Should the EU have a President with two hats?’, in CESifo Forum 4/2002 (winter 2002).  


reprinted in Dutch as ‘Een geloofwaardig democratisch gezicht’, in Project & Nieuws, kwartaalblad van de Stichting Duurzame Solidariteit/ GroenLinks, No. 13, voorjaar 2003: pp. 70-72.


‘Towards a more democratic, transparent and efficient Union?’ in Speak Out! On European Citizenship, Teacher Guide, 2002 Update, London: Institute for Citizenship.


‘Politiek zonder oppositie. De risico’s van de Europese coöptatie-methode’, in Euforum Vol.1 (2002), No.3 (August): p.28.


‘Laying building blocks or just window-dressing?; The first half year of the Convention on the Future of the EU’, CEPS Commentary, July 2002.


2001 and earlier


‘Politieke strijd voorwaarde voor democratischer EU’, in Het Financieele Dagblad, 15 december 2001, p. 7.


‘Handvest is goed voor EU-burgers’, in De Volkskrant, 8 december 2000, p. 9.


‘Dichter bij de burgers: Grondrechtenhandvest, nieuwe start voor Europa?’, in GroenLinksMagazine, September 1999.


‘Beyond the work-based society. Review of Adrian Little’s Post-Industrial Socialism’, in Imprints vol. 4, no. 1 (Summer 1999).  


with Duncan Beeckman, ‘Verruiming van de Winkeltijden’, in Handboek Onze Zaak, Elsevier, 1999.


‘Liberale Vrijheid, Republikeinse betrokkenheid’, Review of Michael Sandel's Democracy’s Discontent’, in Vrij Nederland, 14 September 1996.



Notes of the plenary meetings of the Convention on the Future of the EU since June 2002,