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Krouwel, A. (2004) Models of Party, Katz, R.S. and Crotty, W. (eds.) Handbook on Political Parties, London: Sage.

Krouwel, A. Raadt, J. de and Hollanders, D. (2005) Varieties of Populism. An Analysis of the Programmatic Character of Six European Parties.

Verbeek, B., Krouwel, A. and Raadt, J. de (2005) The Battle for Political Institutions. Institutional change in Central and Eastern Europe 1989-2002.

Krouwel, A. (2005) Defining the center(-right) in European party systems.

Kersbergen, K. en Krouwel, A. (2005) The immigrant-issue in European democracies: a cross-national analysis of the populist response.